
Hear from NAHB Executive & Washington Insider Jim Tobin

By | April 2018

Come to Washington for the 2018 Vinyl Industry Congressional Fly-in and hear from the advocacy leader at the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

As a part of the fly-in, participants will get a chance to talk with Jim Tobin and other Washington insiders about the vinyl industry’s four key issues: international trade, water infrastructure, regulation reform, and housing.

Jim Tobin is NAHB’s executive vice president and chief lobbyist. Tobin has over 20 years of policy and management experience. He leads NAHB’s government affairs team and oversees public affairs and association communications.

Maintaining a Vibrant Housing Market

While we applaud the Trump administration’s pledge to easing overregulation, we remain concerned that policymakers could threaten our nation’s longstanding commitment to homeownership and homebuilding. More stringent credit standards and the possibility of ending federal support, for example, could keep millions of families from homeownership.

In addition, we need a skilled workforce to meet housing demand.

Join us in Washington, DC, to speak with your congressional representatives about housing and other issues impacting our industry and your business.