Archives: News

World’s Leading Academic Expert in Vinyl Chemistry Recognized for Outstanding Service to the Industry

September 30, 2016
The Vinyl Institute honored Dr. William H. Starnes, first academic to receive this award, with the Roy T. Gottesman Leadership Award at the vinyl industry annual meeting last week in Washington DC.

8 Statistics We Took Away from Vinyl360

September 30, 2016
At Vinyl360, speakers talked about corporate social responsibility, innovation, housing trends, the legislative outlook, and the upcoming U.S. election.

VI Is Showcasing Safe, Strong, Dependable PVC Pipe at this Year’s Greenbuild Expo

September 30, 2016
The Vinyl Institute showcases safe, strong, dependable PVC pipe at the 2016 Greenbuild Expo.

VI Calls on Port Operators to Avoid Shutdown

September 29, 2016
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and their employers, represented by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), have agreed to begin discussions on a contract extension that would avoid a […]

Top Companies Recognized for Safety and Environmental Excellence Awards

September 29, 2016
The Vinyl Institute announced the award recipients of its annual safety and environmental awards, which are given to companies in the vinyl industry for improving worker safety and protecting the environment at plant sites throughout the United States and Canada.

VI Calls on Congress to Support Competitive Switching

September 29, 2016
VI recently met with a number of Senators regarding the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) proposed rule to allow competitive switching on Class 1 railroads.  The rule would allow vinyl manufacturers, […]

2016 Congressional Fly-in Concludes

September 29, 2016
Nearly 70 executives from across the vinyl value chain gathered last week in Washington, DC to meet with Members of Congress and discuss specific issues that resonate across the industry.  […]

Congresswoman Miller Tours IPEX Pipe Facility in Michigan

September 28, 2016
While Congress was out for summer recess, VI and our members were hard at work setting up plant tours for our members’ elected officials.  VI helped to secure a plant […]