Archives: News

April 2016 Business from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

May 5, 2016
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue, on business, trade, and other April 2016 news vinyl advocates need to know.

How to Identify Your Brand’s Sustainable Pathway

May 5, 2016
A materiality study offers a snapshot of how well you’re doing now in the environmental, social and economic spheres—key to becoming a sustainable business.

And the Winners of the #PlasticsIOA Competition Are…

May 5, 2016
The Vinyl Institute and American Institute of Architecture Students announces the three winners of the Plastics in Outdoor Architecture competition via Instagram.

Moving to a More Sustainable Vinyl Future

April 21, 2016
Achieving sustainability in the vinyl industry demands a 5-step iterative process that requires both tweaks and tough choices to be made.

Vinyl Industry Calls for Open Competition in Ohio

April 14, 2016
Vinyl and plastic pipe industry advocates traveled to Marietta, Ohio last week to testify at a proponent hearing in support of a bill that would allow all pipe materials to […]

Louisiana Faces Another Serious Budget Deficit

April 14, 2016
The Vinyl Institute has been actively monitoring the Louisiana budget crisis and potential impacts on the vinyl industry.  Last month state lawmakers came close, but were unable to fully close […]

VI Meets with STB Board Members

April 14, 2016
Vinyl Institute representatives met in Washington, DC with all three members of the Surface Transportation Board (STB) last month to underscore the importance of aggressive implementation of STB reform.  S. […]

Tell Congress to Support Strong Preemption in TSCA Reform

April 14, 2016
VI is continuing to meet with Members of Congress working on a final compromise to the TSCA reform legislation that passed the House and Senate last year.  The two chambers […]