
Support Our Mission: Become a Vinyl Advocate

By | March 2016

As you know, the vinyl industry is often affected by government regulation and legislation.  The Vinyl Institute works on behalf of the industry to educate elected officials and the general public about the great work being done by you and your company.

We need your help in building a stronger advocacy network to advance our positions on any number of issues that directly impact our industry and your company.

Please take this brief survey to help us understand the issues that are important to you and the level of advocacy you would be willing to undertake on our behalf.

There is no right or wrong answer to any of the questions, we simply ask for your honest feedback.  Some questions will ask if you personally know certain elected officials representing you at the state or federal level.  Please do not feel like you are expected to, as most people will not.

We greatly appreciate your time and participation.  Click here to begin your survey.

Should you have problems accessing or completing this survey, please contact support by email at, or contact John Serrano.

Thank you for your time and support!