
VI Praises Advancement of WRDA Bills

By | September 2018

The Vinyl Institute is supporting efforts in the House and Senate to advance their Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) bills.  The bills would provide direction and additional funding for upgrading ports and inland waterways for interstate and international trade. The president is likely to sign the bill.

VI is especially pleased with the inclusion of the Securing Required Funding for Water Infrastructure Now Act (SRF WIN) provisions in the Senate bill.  These provisions would leverage low-interest U.S. Treasury loans to multiply dollars available through state revolving grants. The funding increase would help expand funding for water infrastructure projects, including drinking water and sewer system upgrades and repairs.  The House version of WRDA lacks the SRF WIN provisions but is expected to recede to the Senate version when the bill is conferenced to resolve the differences.

WRDA is traditionally passed every two years and provide resources for water-related studies and projects, including navigation, hydropower, flood control, and water supply.  However, only three WRDA bills have been passed in the last decade and the last one, which passed in 2016 is set to expire at the end of the year.

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