Help Us Meet Our Industry’s Post-Consumer Recycling Goal and We’ll Help You with Funding to Get It Done.

Introducing VIABILITY™: A New Post-Consumer Recycling Grant Program, Sponsored by the Vinyl Institute

More than 1.1 billion pounds of vinyl materials are recycled annually in the U.S. and Canada. This total includes 142 million pounds of post-consumer (non-packaging) vinyl materials.


In 2020, the U.S. vinyl industry set an ambitious goal to recycle 160 million pounds of post-consumer PVC by 2025. New VIABILITY recycling grants help to achieve this goal by providing financial assistance to companies and organizations – up to $500,000 – in support of their post-consumer PVC recycling initiatives.

Eligibility Requirements to Receive a VIABILITY Grant


  • Post-consumer PVC recycling projects or activities that are located within the United States
  • Equipment, process investments, educational programs, and recycling program management


  • Industry initiatives or collaborations, including trade associations, working to advance post-consumer PVC recycling
  • Public, private, and non-profit owned and operated materials recovery facilities (MRFs) or recycling processors and construction and demolition waste management facilities
  • State and private colleges and universities for research and development that will advance the recycling of post-consumer PVC materials



  • Education programs that enable vinyl product customer awareness and demand for recycling
  • Reverse logistics systems to facilitate collection and delivery of post-consumer vinyl materials for recycling
  • Building sub-contractor recycling process training
  • Research and development on vinyl recycling technology
  • Equipment purchase, including:
—   Mechanical sortation equipment
—   Conveyor systems
—   Bunker or other storage systems for sorted material
—   Equipment focused on processing other materials that result in PVC
—   acceptance or improved PVC processing
—   Collection bins, compactors and bailers
—   Dock space or related investments that facilitate PVC product shipment

To check out some of our VIABILITY success stories, check out our case studies highlighting PVC post-consumer recycling!

Grant Amounts Available

Currently, the VIABILITY grant program is funded by U.S. vinyl resin manufacturers at $1 million annually.
Individual grant awards from $10,000 to $500,000 are available.

The next VIABILITY submission deadline is September 12, 2025!

How Are Applicants Selected?

A seven-member VIABILITY grant committee reviews all applications and selects grant recipients and amounts based upon criteria including:

  • Conformity to eligibility requirements
  • Total potential post-consumer recycling volume
  • A well-defined project plan and budget
  • Multifaceted outreach plan
  • Thorough supporting documentation
  • Matching project funding
  • Business case and likelihood for increasing the recycling of vinyl products
How to Apply

Start by downloading and familiarizing yourself with the grant program guidelines. The guidelines document describes the application process and deadlines.

Need More Information or Have Questions?

Email Jennifer Armstrong at today.