What We Do
By focusing solely on the U.S. PVC/vinyl industry, the VI effectively advances specific policies that foster the growth in industry, protect our economic interest and address our unique regulatory issues. Our goal is to create an environment which helps our members expand the market for vinyl resin.
Advocating for the U.S. PVC/Vinyl Industry through:
FOCUS: We are fiercely committed to achieving the policy agenda that helps the U.S. vinyl industry grow and create jobs. Our influential network includes alliances across the vinyl value chain in every product sector.
IMAGE: We promote and defend the image and reputation of vinyl and the industry from those who make false claims and disparage our products in the public discourse.
LEADERSHIP: We house the collective knowledge of the industry, have access to the foremost policy, vinyl and sustainability experts, and provide informed and respected guidance on issues that affect our industry.
ADVOCACY: Our value chain outreach activities help our members develop relationships with lawmakers and regulators at the state and federal level.
EDUCATION: We engage with thousands of people annually who specify and recommend products. We provide them with science-based information about vinyl, so they can choose the appropriate material to solve their design challenges.
OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE: We work efficiently and effectively with members, avoid duplication of work done by others, collaborate with allied trade associations, and protect member interests by acting prudently and in harmony with legal and ethical obligations, including antitrust, privacy, and conflict of interest principles.